What web design trends will dominate 2022? What styles and techniques should you get familiar with so that your creations are fresh and modern throughout the year?

Design trends can shape everything from how designers create to user interface design to future iterations of everything from websites to package design. They can also zoom in or fade out quickly, making it important to pay attention to what’s trending now so that you don’t end up with a design that falls out of style quickly.

Let’s dive into some of the top web design trends for 2022. We’ll look at trends that began to emerge in late 2021 and are definite candidates for setting the stage in the upcoming year, as well as a few trending designs that are on the cusp of popularity.

Fun, Optimistic Designs

Funky shapes, color, and even faces can make for a lot of fun. Designers are using the web design trend with fun, optimistic designs for everything from portfolio sites — such as the example above — to e-commerce. The common thread with these designs is that they inject a little extra happiness into the world.

Black and White Color Schemes

Black and white color schemes are the most stark, and beautiful, design trend of the year. Without color, you really have to think about and design within constraints. While this might sound a little intimidating, it can be freeing and help jumpstart creativity. Plus, the results can be absolutely stunning.

Bold & Experimental Typography

In 2022, there’s no wrong way to do typography. Big bold fonts — even serifs — are everywhere. And they look fantastic. When playing with this website design trend, think about how the typefaces will respond (everything looks different on a mobile screen) and how to maximize impact for visitors. Many experimental typefaces aren’t just designed with flair, they also include elements such as animations or flex options.

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